Chapter 1 - Welcome Address & Introduction

3 minutes

Video Overview

Chapter 1 - Welcome Address & Introduction 

Scott Hanna, Senior Business Development Manager - UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Invest Northern Ireland 

Scott gives us a quick overview of the purpose of the webinar and introduces the panel to the audience.

Abu Dhabi FinTech Eco-system: Opportunities and routes to the UAE market

Invest NI IMEA partnered with key stakeholders in the UAE Tech Ecosystem to deliver a 60 minute virtual panel outlining opportunities and routes to this market, specifically Abu Dhabi which is the largest FinTech hub in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region with access to the South Asian markets as well.  It is home to half of the region’s FinTech companies.  Key opportunity areas include:   

-    Digital Banking / Open Banking 
-    Insuretech 
-    RegTech 
-    Data Analytics and Cyber Security

59 minutes
6 videos