Chapter 1 - Introduction & Welcome

5 minutes

Video Overview

Fahd Asif, Sector Lead –Life Sciences (GCC), Invest Northern Ireland

Fahd starts by giving the audience an overview of Invest Northern Ireland’s regional presence and how it supports Northern Irish organisations doing business in the various markets here. He then highlights the significant opportunities within the region. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is UK's third-largest non-EU export destination behind just the US and China. The region includes countries such as Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Amidst an ageing and expanding population, and the increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases, the life and healthcare sector is fast emerging as a priority for these countries.

Northern Ireland: Providing innovative solutions to the world’s healthcare challenges

In this webinar, you will hear from the Invest NI team who will provide an overview of the sector in the GCC, alongside panellists from seven leading Northern Ireland companies offering insights on the future of the healthcare industry and showcasing their innovative solutions. Listen to find why Northern Ireland’s life and health sciences sector is well-positioned to address the GCC and wider Middle East’s healthcare requirements.

80 minutes
10 videos