Chapter 1 - Introduction

7 minutes

Video Overview

Michael Barton, Regional Director Canada for Invest Northern Ireland, provided an overview of the size of the opportunity for materials handling companies in Ontario, and of the support provided by Invest NI to Northern Ireland companies exporting internationally.

OWMA is Ontario’s largest, most effective environmental services association representing the waste management and recycling sector. Its membership is made up of leading private and public sector organisations responsible for managing 85% of the waste generated by Ontario, which is Canada’s most populous province with 14.5 million residents.

Waste & Recycling Sector Insights from Ontario, Canada

Invest Northern Ireland partnered with Canada’s Ontario Waste Management Association (OWMA) to provide insights from leading voices in Ontario’s waste management sector. They discussed opportunities, regional issues and the regulatory environment around hazardous, municipal and C&D waste.


  • Mike Chopowick, CEO, Ontario Waste Management Association
  • Geoff Boyd, Vice President of Resource Recovery, Walker Industries
  • Brent Bolger, President, Brendar Environmental Inc.
  • Jim Graham, CEO & Owner, TRY Recycling Inc
77 minutes
3 videos