KPIs show growth in external sales

Our 2023 Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) show a strong increase across Sales, External Sales and Exports amongst businesses we supported. All three metrics increased by at least 5 percent on 2022 figures.
Agri-food and Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing businesses recorded the largest increase in sales.
Sales by sector
Employment by sector
Export growth within the portfolio was largely driven by sales to the Americas, which saw a 14% increase, and Europe which grew by 10%. Once again, Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing companies accounted for a large proportion of export growth – 55% per cent.
Construction was the fastest growing sector for exports, increasing by 15% over the period; exports to RoI accounted for the large majority (90%) of this growth.
Our KPIs are official statistics published on They measure the change in Employment, Sales, External Sales and Exports in businesses that have received our support. The KPIs measure the value of employment and economic activity generated by these businesses and to gain an understanding of the contribution Invest NI supported businesses make to the wider NI economy.
2023/24 – in year activity will stimulate future growth
During the financial year we monitor our activity and outputs against operational targets. These in-year targets help us measure our progress towards our Business Strategy.
In 2023/24 we offered £93m of support to companies to help them with a wide range of projects. Our support included assistance to develop new products, invest in energy and resource efficient technologies, improve skills, create jobs and export to new markets.
93 per cent of our offers were made to locally owned businesses.
76 per cent of companies supported were outside Belfast.
Read more about our 2023/24 activity.