Key Performance Indicators 2023
Invest NI Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) provide information on the size and performance of Invest NI supported businesses.

The measures presented include the value of sales, external sales, exports and full-time equivalent employment.
Invest NI supports businesses across a wide range of industry sectors, with more than 37,000 jobs in Advanced engineering and Manufacturing and almost 30,000 jobs in Financial, Professional and Business services.
Employment by Sector

Sales by Sector

External Sales account for almost 80% of total sales generated by Invest NI supported businesses, with sales to Great Britain accounting for 55% of external sales.
Exports account for just over a third of total sales by Invest NI supported businesses, with exports to the EU accounting for just over 50% of all exports.
The largest export markets for Invest NI supported businesses are the Republic of Ireland (£2.8bn), the US (£2.1bn) and Germany (£0.6bn).
Sales by Market

Employment by Council Area