Chapter 1 – Welcome and opening remarks
Video Overview
Hear from Dr Vicky Kell, Invest NI, Ian Snowden, Permanent Secretary, DoE, and Kiernan Donoghue, CEO Invest NI, at the launch of our Energy Efficiency Capital Grant (EECG) at the Seagoe Hotel, Portadown.
Energy Efficiency Capital Grant (EECG) | Launch Event
Stakeholders and local businesses attended the launch of our Energy Efficiency Capital Grant (EECG) on Wednesday 8 May 2024 at The Seagoe Hotel, Portadown.
Attendees got the opportunity to hear more about the support on offer, the importance of investing in energy efficiency equipment and from other businesses who availed of the support.
Representatives from Invest NI and The Department of the Economy explained how the grant of up to £150K can help Northern Ireland businesses:
- Reduce their energy costs
- Purchase and install energy efficient equipment in areas including:
- Lighting
- Heating and cooling equipment
- Motors and drives
- Compressed air systems
- Onsite renewable energy generation
This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.